Puppy 2 Workout for all puppies at heart on September 28th at 5:00! Sign up on Classes page!
Senior Night Out October 5th at 5:00-Sign up on Classes page!
Chocolate from the Chocolate Therapist, Walk-e-Woo Doggie Stuff and Coffee beans make great gift bags in a pinch! Come check it out!
New classes begin OCTOBER 26TH! Schedule on Classes page soon.
We have Nepali Coffee beans from 4 coops in 4 districts! Very rich and different! $1.00 goes to SmartPaani to help provide fresh drinking water systems for schools in rural Nepal. smartpaani.com We ship anywhere in Colorado.
Open Gym offered on Tuesdays and Fridays at 1:30-5:00 by appointment. Open Gym is free if you are currently enrolled in a class. Otherwise, $5 for those who know how to use the equipment. This is a self-guided workout time in the yard-coach on hand for assistance at all times. Please call ahead.

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