Feb/Mar 2025 DW Schedule
First Class Questionnaire
What to Bring to Dog Works
Skills Foundations-Obedience, Agility, and Fitness Foundations for Puppies 6 months and older.
Advanced Puppy Workout–One night workout including obedience and fitness activities for puppies 6 months and older. $30. Limit 3-4. Please pre-register! New Workout soon!
Senior Night Out!–For our longtime friends who would enjoy a social night out with lots of learning activities! $30. Limit 3-4. Please pre-register! Next Senior night out coming soon!
Fitness 1 & 2: -Obedience and shaping mixed with K9 fitness exercises. Improve your relationship with your dog, as well as his/her behavior through positive learning. Fitness classes really help improve Obedience Skills and focus while building body strength of key muscle groups. DOGS LOVE THIS CLASS! Give your dog a job! $90
Specialized Fitness: All participants will have individualized instruction in this class. It will be especially designed for Senior Dogs, Dogs after Rehab with Vet approval, Advanced Fitness dogs, Working Dogs, etc. Contact the instructor to see if this is the right class. $90
Advanced Fitness 3: For graduates of Fit 1 & 2; a customized class with focus on your dog’s individual needs. Veterinary approval required. We will evaluate your dog and dive into some very cool advanced fitness exercise plans designed for each individual in class! $90
Mixed Bag-For Dogs with some class under their belts, this class offers a different lesson category each week. Obedience, Rally, Agility, Fitness, Tricks, more-for dogs who need more variety in their lives. Instructor approval. $90
Obedience 1: -Obedience and socialization with more traditional exercises-designed according to the needs of the class. $90
Obedience Activity Class: Fine tuning of Obedience work taught through various activities designed for learning. Great for pups 6 months and older. $90
Agility 1: Agility basics to get your dog comfortable on the equipment with basic course maneuvering. $90
Agility 2 Focus: More advanced Agility for teams who have taken Agility 1. $90.
Agility 3: For teams who have taken AG2 and are ready to begin some off-leash and distance work.
Advanced Agility Off-Leash: For dogs ready for off-leash work. Pre-requisite Agility 3. $90
Rally 1 & 2: Rally Obedience teaches Obedience Cues in a way that is fun and stimulating for your dog. Become a team, work on Obedience, and have a great time instead of just formalized Obedience training! 6 weeks, $90. 6 months and older. Beginning (Rally 1) – Advanced level exercises (Rally 2).
Intermediate and Advanced Rally: For those who have completed Rally 2. Includes Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and above exercises. 6 weeks, $90.
Fit & Focused 1 & 2! Six week class for any dog. Great for pups in the 6-12 month range, but great for any age. Obedience and Fitness focus exercises. Super fun foundation class to help your dog move right into Agility or other Dog Sports and activities. Pre-Req for F & F 2 is Fit 1 or Puppy Foundations. $90
Tricks!-Six week classes to help teams work towards Novice-Experts titles in Tricks with Do More with Your Dog. For any type of dog. Or to just have fun-and this class is FUN! This class will help you find your dog’s special area of interest. $90. Titles can be approved at the end of session.
Open Gym: Friday afternoons. Free for those enrolled in class. $5.00 if not. Must know how to use equipment. A time for handlers to practice with their dogs while coach is available. PLEASE CALL/TEXT AHEAD-1/2 hour time slots. Office hours will vary.
Puppy 1: Puppies 3-5 mos. old. We do a lot of learning through play; learn about proprioception/your dog’s awareness of his surroundings through his/her body; obedience and fitness foundations, lots of play time and the pups go home ready to sleep happily for the night. This is the time to develop the foundation for a confident, social, intelligent dog. Plenty of chat about puppy raising strategies based on participant interest. Pre-registration required-class limit 5 puppies at a time. $60 for six weeks.
Puppy 2: Puppies 6-9 months. Continue the learning begun in Puppy 1. Lots of Obedience, social, and physical activities with positive learning techniques and fun! $90 for 6 weeks.
All Classes run for 6 weeks.
** All dogs must be current on all vaccinations, including Bordatella. Please bring or email a copy of your pup’s current and updated records.
Please contact us for more information and to sign up! Please click on forms below: